Thursday, March 18, 2010

Punjammies on The Pioneer Woman!

Yesterday, while all the way around the globe in India, Laura and I received the most wonderful surprise! The Pioneer Woman posted about Punjammies on her fabulously popular site! Click here to see her post and beautiful photos of the Punjammies. It's amazing that while I am here in India meeting the women who are learning to sew with IPP and seeing how the Punjammies project is really impacting their lives, people back in the states are catching a glimpse of the vision as well!

We're thrilled that such a talented blogger is helping get the word out about International Princess Project. Thank you, Pioneer Woman!


Jonathan said...

YAHOOO!!! Just posted about it, too. :)


Trish said...

I was so excited to see it too! I also posted on her site with a link to your blog... I'm guessing that IPP might sell just a few (like hundreds!) pjs...