[Maximus woke up with a bad dream last night. When Lucas went in to check on him, all Max said were these three little words: "Scary Robots, Daddy." Today, Maximus can't stop talking about the "scary robots."]
Max: That big robot scared Max. He went, "BOOM, BOOM, BOOM!" It scared Max.
Cherissa: Yes, your daddy told me you had a scary dream about robots.
Max: That big robot was in Maggies room, came in Max's room to my bed. He come back to my bed.
Lucas: No, Max, you probably won't have that dream again. He won't come back.
Max: (adamantly) He IS come back!
Lucas: Okay.
Max: That big robot come to my birthday party.
Cherissa: No, that robot won't come to your birthday party. He isn't real.
Max: (after thinking a few seconds) Is Max real?
Cherissa: Yes, Max is real.
Max: You real?
Cherissa: Yes.
Max: Sister real?
Cherissa: Yes.
[Max runs off to play, clearly relieved that he is not living with a family of incognito scary robots.]