Tuesday, October 04, 2016

Conversations with Millie

Millie (3) and I just walked out our front door and stopped to look at the sunset. 

Me: Look at that. It's so beautiful. Why do you think God gave us sunsets and sunrises?

Millie: Because it's pink. 

Me: Yes, but why? What was the reason? Why do you think God decided to do that?

Millie: Ummm... Because of Adam and Eve. They had to take care of all the animals. And they had no parents. And they needed them.  And Adam and Eve were never kids.  They growed down into kids.  But that's a dipperent story. 

Childrens' minds are so fascinating to me. Sometimes I wonder if I really listened to all the words she's jabbering through, I would find they unlock the key to the universe. Or that they are complete nonsense. One or the other. But it sure is precious.

Later, after I had tucked Millie into bed for the night, I had to pop back in there to put some clothes and shoes away. She was jabbering away and pauses when I came in. "I just talkin' to God, Mom. I just praisin' Him."

No wonder Jesus said "Let the little ones come to me, and do not hinder them. "

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