Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Good news about my mom

Mom and Dad met with their oncologist today to review their finding from the CT scan last week. The doctor had good news for us: he said that as long as the cancer is stabilized (her CT scan showed that it is), the prognosis for her life expectancy remains the same– even if we don't see the drastic reduction in tumor size that we had hoped to see.

It's funny how quickly my perspective has changed. When we started this process, the thought of only having one to two more years with my mom was unbearable. But when the alternative becomes 30-60 days without chemo or if chemo is ineffective, one to two years starts to look a lot more appealing. Again, I'm reminded that God holds her days in His hands.... and I'm thankful that (at least at this point) it appears that her treatment is effective enough to give her a few more months if God wills.

Thanks for following this journey with us and praying for us. The doctor reminded my parents today of how important a positive outlook and a good support network. He said "don't underestimate how huge it is that Vicki has a positive outlook and has a caring husband and supportive friends and family." You are all a part of that, and we are all so thankful.


Anonymous said...

We are hanging in there with you all my friend! Isn't it amazing how much a positive attitude has on everyone's life? Hugs from Arkansas! Cindy

Smits Family said...

Wow Cherissa... I did not have the link to your blog until you sent the email out. I look at your moms daily (even before I was sitting in the hospital)... you are an amazing family and my heart aches for you.... a day has not gone by since I learned about your mom that I have not thought about her. We are praying!

John and Janel Breitenstein said...

Hip, hip, hooooooraaaaay! What an answer to prayer. Your momma looks beautiful, as I believe your aroma must be to God. His love endures forever...