Friday, March 19, 2010

Fear and Hope

I'm writing for the International Princess Project blog, one of reasons I came on this trip. It's been awesome to see how God used Pioneer Woman's post to drive thousands and thousands of new visitors to the IPP site at the exact time that we are on this trip and I'm posting new content to the site. Praise the Lord! He is working in incredible ways to get the word out about His work with IPP! The following post was originally posted on the IPP blog:

"There's nothing to be afraid of," IPP sewing trainer Kelsea said gently as she moved closer to take Lakshmi's* hand. Lakshmi pulled the fabric of her sari around her, trying to cover the acid burns that ran down the length of her arm.

We were sitting in the upstairs room of an Indian home, inviting Lakshmi to come live at Ashraya and learn to sew with International Princess Project. But she was afraid. Unfortunately, Lakshmi's life is not an isolated case. Thousands of other Indian women are also trapped in terrible situations; Used. Abused. Hopeless. Terrified.

We sat with Lakshmi, gently addressing each of her fears and telling her that Ashraya was a safe place– a place of love and hope. Two current residents at Ashraya also sat near her. With tears running down their faces, they told her about their life at Ashraya and implored Lakshmi to join them.

"There are many women in India who have the same problems as you," Kelsea said, looking Lakshmi in the eyes. "There's nothing to be ashamed of."

As Kelsea sat there holding Lakshmi's hands, we all breathed in the same thick Indian air and Lakshmi wrestled between fear and hope.

*Name has been changed.


Soaring High said...

Did her husband try to kill her? I've heard that happens there a lot.
So happy to have stumbled across your blog. You are in my prayers.

aida said...

It was fun reading your updates. I can't wait to read more when you get home and have had time to process this trip to India. I'm SO thrilled that you are there with Laura.
Hope to see you soon.
Love and Prayers for you from California.